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Coffee for Runners
Coffee’s reputation and statistics have gone up and down over the last decades. But in the past few year more research has shown that...
Heat training - Get stronger and faster
Heat training- Increase your blood volume and run stronger. With the hot weather and humidity settling in, some runners find it very...
Oats- Great superfood for runners
Oats are high in soluble fiber, complex carbohydrates, are a good source of protein and have a low glycemic index, which provides a...
How to train by listening to your body
Runners who want to increase their performance, get faster and stronger need to follow a proper training plan and schedule. But how...
How to strengthen and loosen your hip flexors?
For runners, the hip flexors play an important role in the running flow and form, these are the muscles that allow flexion at the hip...
Periodization Training for Runners
With the racing season extending and the number of races increasing every year, runners should use a periodization plan to organize their...
Side effects of pain killer for runners
Taking pain killers before or during a race can cause some serious side effects. Whether it’s a 10K race or an ultra-marathon, pain...
Runner’s Knee
Knee injury is one of the most common injury for runners, especially injuries that affect the knee joint and patellofemoral pain syndrome...
5 Basic tips to keep running Ultras for years!
According to all the research about how long can our body sustain running or racing Ultra races, most runners who focus on finishing...
Benefits of Green Tea for Endurance Runners
Green tea is one of the healthiest teas to help increase all types of health benefits. Green tea also helps with weight loss and increase...
Why do runners need a strong core?
Runners now know how important it is to have a strong core. Fortunately, proper core training doesn’t require too much time, you can do...
Downhill Running Techniques
How to run downhill without hurting our quadriceps and calves? As trail runners, running so much elevation also includes a lot of...
Top Superfoods for 2019
Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Superfoods help improve your overall health, well-being...
How to stay fit, healthy and motivated for 2019- Part 1
December is a busy month, many people don’t have as much time to train, get less sleep, and more eating and celebrating. With the New...
How to run longer, better and faster?
When running long distances, many factors can affect our performance and stamina. Running FormRunning Pace and RhythmBreathing...
Running for a Lifetime
Lifelong runners train for a lifetime and running becomes a lifestyle. Running through a lifetime demands overcoming and conquering many...
Why runners need to stretch their calf muscles
As runners, we often forget to stretch our calves. We tend to focus more on our hamstrings, quads, glutes, back, feet and knees, which is...
Using our resting heart rate (RHR) to assess our training and recovery level
With all the new technology, we can constantly monitor our heart rate during training. We know the importance of not going over our...
The Magic of Magnesium Oil for Runners
In the last few years, I have mentioned the several benefits of magnesium oil for runners. I am a huge fan of magnesium oil, it has many...
New Year- New You!
New Year’s Resolution is not an easy challenge. Most people can sustain their New Year’s Resolutions for the first few months. For 2018,...
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