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Runners Need to Consume the Right Nutrients
Are you eating the right nutrients, according to your training plan, races, and lifestyle? For runners, providing your body with the...
How to Fix Muscle Tightness During a Run
Most long-distance runners have struggled with some muscle tightness during a run or race, especially long-distance runs, these tend to...
How to Prevent and Treat Running Blisters
Blisters are one of the most common issues for runners, especially for longer distance runs. Even though blisters are not a bad injury,...
Runners Supplements for the Racing Season
Runners doing a lot of training or races, even when following a healthy balanced diet, often the body will get depleted of some essential...
Ultra-Marathons- How to Avoid DNF Part 2
Ultra-Marathons- How Avoid Mistakes and Stay Mentally Motivated to Finish- Part 2 Ultra-runners know that running these long-distance...
Ultra-Marathons- How to Avoid DNF Part 1
Ultra-Marathons- How to Avoid Mistakes and Stay Mentally Motivated to Finish- Part 1 Running long-distance races is very challenging...
Stairs for Workouts and Training
For runners, using stairs for training and adding some climbing workouts can be a good way to improve the aerobic conditioning to a...
Pre- and Post Race Sports Massage and Physio Timing
If you look at the study of the training of elite runners, you will notice that they have an entire team helping them in different...
Essential Runs for Good Training Plans
For trail runners or road runners, to include some basic runs in your training schedule will help increase both your performance and...
The Importance of Calcium
Natural Calcium Supplements We all know that calcium is crucial for our bone health. Calcium is one of the essential supplements for...
How can Running Shoes Affect our Foot Muscles
Running shoe trends come and go, similar to diet trends. A few years ago, the trend was “barefoot” or “minimalist” running shoe trend....
Yoga for Runners
Many people think of yoga as only a relaxing, meditation type of exercise session. Yoga has many physical and mental benefits that can be...
How to Avoid Stress Before a Race
Pre-race stress is very common amongst most runners. There’s a lot of uncertainty that comes with competition and pressure. As a runner,...
Basic Superfoods for Runners
What we eat before, during and after each run significantly impacts our running performance and overall health. We should think of our...
Rest Day versus Recovery Day
Rest Day versus Recovery Day With today’s social medias, apps, GPS watches, constant social feeds, it’s easy to feel like we must always...
Habits to Become a Better Runner
If you want to become a better runner, increasing your distance, beating personal records, reaching new goals or to get healthier...
How to Improve your Trail Running Technique
When running on the road we have to deal with and repeat the same motion and impact. For trail runners, a good running technique is...
Benefits of Dark Chocolate for Runners
One of the great Superfoods for runners is dark chocolate 85% or more, but above 90% is even better with less sugar and more...
The Importance of Sleep for Runners
A runner's training program includes runs, speedwork, core and strength training. Another important part of effective training is having...
Exercises to Strengthen your Natural Running Form
A basic running form focuses on taking smaller strides, the arm drive, change of posture. Lately the trend is to focus more on embracing...
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