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Health Benefits of Taking a Cold Shower Every Day
Taking a cold shower every day even in the winter time has many health benefits, also fitness benefits for runners. I started taking a...
RPE The Best Guide to Measure a Runner’s Training and Progress
RPE Rate of Perceived Exertion is a great natural measuring guide according to our body, grading the intensity of our run on a 1-10...
Simple Test to Measure a Runner’s Fitness Level
For runners to measure our fitness level or VO2Max can give us some quite accurate measure to estimate our overall fitness level, pace...
Benefits of Stairs Training for Road and Trail Runners
Using stairs for training will provide many benefits for both road and trail runners. Stairs can help runners improve endurance, running...
Benefits of Running Shoes Insoles
As a runner, to find the perfect type and model of running shoes according to our foot type and running form is not always easy. Often,...
Ankle Sprain Running Injury
Ankle Sprains are a very common type of injury for runners, especially trail runners. But even for road runners, it does happen as well...
Running for Life Will Activate and Strengthen Our Abs
Running has so many benefits, we always think of running only as cardio training, but we are so lucky that running also strengthens and...
Benefits of Caffeine for Runners
Runners and athletes often wonder if caffeine can provide a performance boost. If our body can tolerate caffeine, then consuming it...
How to Avoid Overtraining to Stay Fit and Healthy
Overtraining for runners can have many physical and mental side effects. With the year 2020 affecting our work, lifestyle and mental...
Health Benefits of Reading Books- Top Running Books 2020
During this particularly stressful year, one of the big health source for many people has been the practice of reading books. Research...
Speed Drills to Get Faster and Stronger at Running
As runners, to increase our running pace we need to perform: 1. Speedwork session to increase our VO2Max, and activate and strengthen our...
Benefits of Walks for Runners
Runners should add some regular walks to their daily routine. Many people including runners don’t see the benefits or enjoy walking...
Benefits of Virtual/Local Running Training Teams
With our constant busy life schedules, and the consequences from the current virus, to join a virtual running or training group can have...
10 Fitness Goals We Need To Focus On For Our Overall Wellbeing
To find and focus on some fitness goals can help us feel better physically and mentally. Fitness goals are about finding what we aim to...
Gluteus Medius Activation and Stretching for Injury-Free Running
In order to run with proper form and injury free, our glute muscles have to be fired up properly, and activated before other muscles such...
How to Prevent Adductor Muscle Pain
Adductor muscles pain is a common issue with many sports, but also very common with runners, especially trail runners. Our adductors are...
Basic Foods for Better Performance and Health
Runners following restricted, unhealthy, or imbalanced nutrition habits, will affect their performance, and even heart health. According...
Better Sleep Pattern for Runners
Sleep Is one of the very important component that is usually not into our running training plans. But it should be. Most runners training...
Muscles We Need to Focus On to Improve Our Running Goals
If we want to make the most of our runs, we have to be conscious of the muscles used in running. Knowing what actually happens in our...
How to Prevent Achilles Tendonitis
In the past few months I have been coming across quite a few runners who have been dealing with foot injuries, plantar fasciitis and...
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